- The National Organisation for FASD provides information about all matters relating to FASD, with specific information for parents, teachers, and other professionals.
- FASD South West is a fantastic and supportive organisation run by Julie Furney. Recommended by parents of children with FASD across the UK, here you can find vast amounts of information for supporting a child with FASD in all areas of their life. There is also information about joining the various support groups and networks provided by the organisation.
- The FASD Network provides a variety of resources relating to FASD.
- The FASD UK Alliance provides information about organisations in the UK that work together to improve the lives of those with FASD. PCEA is part of the FASD UK Alliance.
- SIGN 156 is the national clinical guideline for assessing and diagnosing FASD.
- The Nice Quality Standard for FASD (2022) covers assessing and diagnosing FASD in children and young people.
- The Prevent FASD website is aimed at a young adult audience to educate them about the risks associated with alcohol-exposed pregnancies and to help women to make informed choices.
- The Cognitive Supports website provides a wide range of webinars and resources for supporting children with FASD in education and at home.
- The FASD.me website was specifically created for children and young people with FASD to learn more about their condition in a fun and interactive way, to ‘meet’ others with FASD who are achieving wonderful things, and to feel empowered in their lives.
- You can also subscribe to The National FASD YouTube channel.

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Guide to FASD for parents, carers and professionals (2014)
By Maria Catterick and Liam Curran

Essential FASD Supports: Understanding and supporting people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (2023)
By Nate Sheets

My FASD Feelings: A guide to children’s experience with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (2023)
By Jennifer Robinson PhD, LMHC and Laura Bedard MFA

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Parenting a child with an invisible disability (2014)
By Julia Brown and Dr Mary Mather

The Incredible 5-Point Scale: Assisting Students in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling Their Emotional Responses
- The National Autistic Society is the first place to visit to obtain reliable information about all matters relating to ASD.
- The Girl with the Curly Hair Project is an excellent organisation for children with ASD. You can find blogs, podcasts, webinars, and other downloadable resources here.
- A further informative website is the Autism Speaks website, helping you understand more about autism.

My brother is different: Understanding siblings with special needs and autism (2022)
By Esther Lutchie

Understanding pathological demand avoidance syndrome in children: A guide for parents, teachers and other professionals (2011)
By Phil Christie, Margaret Duncan, Ruth Fidler and Zara Healy

A volcano in my tummy: Helping children to handle anger (1998)
By Whitehouse and Pudney

A five is against the law: Social boundaries – a compassionate but honest guide for teens and young adults (2022)
By Kari Dunn Buron
- The ADHD Foundation is an excellent resource for all things related to ADHD.
- ADDitude is an online magazine with articles on various topics. There are also resources on ways to implement helpful strategies relating to ADHD.
- Kings College London has produced a video on the neurobiology of ADHD, which is a valuable resource for individuals with ADHD and their families.
- ADHD can present very differently in females compared to males. The Chadd website specifically discusses the ADHD profile in girls.
- The Duke Centre for Girls and Women with ADHD has also written an informative document.
- The ‘Understood’ website provides valuable information about scaffolding difficulties with planning and organisation, and distractibility.

Smart but scattered: The revolutionary ‘executive Skills’ approach to helping kids reach their potential (2008)
By Peg Dawson and Richard Guare

Smart but scattered: The revolutionary ‘executive Skills’ approach to helping teens reach their potential (2013)
By Richard Guare, Peg Dawson and Colin Guare

Executive function skills in the classroom: Overcoming barriers, building strategies (2022)
By Laurie Faith, Carol-Anne Bush, et al

The parents’ guide to specific learning difficulties: Information, advice, and practical tips (2016)
By Veronica Bidwell